The Naruto World Wiki

Mission Details[]

  • Date: 10-29-2013
  • Submitted by: Nafarias
  • Rank: B
  • Overseer: Nafarias
  • Ryo Reward: 2000
  • QP Reward: 4

Ninja Team[]

  • Jeisen Uchiha
  • Okami Uchiha
  • Kenji Hatake
  • Nenshou Natsuin(Left early 2 QP) 

Mission Profile[]


Be freed?


The four were abducted for no apparant reason, by aliens!?

Mission Recap[]

They woke up in a foriegn room, glowing lights and all. Being directed for inspection they moved forward, but a voice called out for them to be inspected. So they did, and the voice was replaced as the lights dimmed out. Something had happened, what is unknown. They were led to freedom, but before the could the had to fight a mechanicial guardian. It hit hard, but the defeated it. After figuring out the button puzzle they were freed into the Sand, falling from the sky above. Just who are the Synod?
